EDITING SHAMROCK ROSE AND THISTLE Ancestors of Jean Elizabeth Mathews

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Whitefield Watson

My Great-grandmother
Jessie Mason 1867-1913

My Great-grandfather
Whitefield Watson 1862-1940

Whitefield Watson & Jessie McMillan Mason

On 27 May, 1884, Whitefield Watson married Jessie McMillan Mason.They had both been born and raised in The Miners Rows of Connel Park, New Cumnock, a coal mining village in Ayrshire, Scotland.  Whitefield was a coal miner, as was his father Joseph, before him, and his younger brother John. Jessie was the daughter of William Mason & Elizabeth Boyd, also of Connel Park,  and was one of their known eight born children.
After their marriage, Whitefield & Jessie also made their home in the Connel Park Miner's Rows, where the first 5 of their known children were born.
Joseph               c1886
William                c1888
Elizabeth              1890 - 20 June    My Grandmother
Mary (Polly)       c1896

Soon after the birth of Mary,   the family moved up to Glasgow - perhaps to find better work opportunities, conditions,  housing,  etc.
Three more children were born
George             c1900
Jessie               c1901
Jeanie              c1913
Sadly, Jessie died from a kidney disease,  13 June, 1913, shortly after the birth of their infant daughter, Jeanie.  Whitefield was present at her death in their home, 36 Park Sreet, Cambuslang, Glasgow.

Whitefield remarried in March 1914.  He married Mrs. E. Clark, a widow, at 102 Parsons Street, Glasgow.   Mrs. Clark was the daughter of Daniel McGregor, a steamships Chief Engineer,  & Ellen Walker.  Witnesses were Catherine (Watson) McCallum (Whitefield's sister) and her husband, David McCallum, a despatch clerk.
By this time Whitefield was 51 and Mrs. Clark was 47.
Theirs was a marriage of the type known as "An Irregular Marriage" or a "Marriage by Declaration".  All that was required in such a marriage ceremony was for the couple to declare themselves married in the presence of two witnesses.  They would then have to notify the local Registrar.  
This was a perfectly legal form of marriage, but obviously frowned on by the established Church, and was eventually  deemed not to be a legal form of marriage after 1940.  However, marriages that had been made prior to this date, were still held to be legal, and any bla blah blah
It is unknown whether Whitefield and his 2nd wife had any children, but family stories suggest that she had children of her own.

Whitefield came to New Zealand around 1925, to join his & Jessie Mason's sons & daughters who had settled here ???? (early 20's).  I have not yet established whether he was widowed or had left Mrs. Clark in Glasgow, but he did come to NZ without her.

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