My Mathews Grandparents
On 29th September 1908, Robert Walter Mathews (aged
27) married Jane Dreghorn Douglas, (aged 34, widow of Samuel Welsh) at 150 Adamswell Street, Glasgow, which
was Jane's residence. Robert's occupation was given as Ship's Steward, and his usual place of residence - Liverpool.
Jane was born 16th October 1873 in Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, and was the daughter of Robert Douglas
(occupation Slater) and Elizabeth Walker. Jane had 3 children from her prior marriage
to Samuel Welsh, Elizabeth, Martin & Mary Welsh. Robert and Jane had 2 children together, a daughter Florence, b.
Springburn, Glasgow, 190?? and my father Robert Walter Mathews (jr) b. Springburn Glasgow, 1 May, 1912.
In the 1920's sometime, Robert & Jane came to New Zealand with Mary (May) Welsh, Florence,
and the young Robert. Jane's other daughter Elizabeth (Lizzie) Welsh, remained in Scotland to marry, and
her elder son Martin Welsh was already in New Zealand, and encouraged the family to come here to settle.
Jane Douglas died 21 September, 1962, aged 89 years, at Lower Hutt Hospital, New Zealand.
Robert Mathews died 16 October, 1962, aged 82, at Lower Hutt Hospital, New Zealand.
Both Robert & Jane's ashes were scattered in the Rose Garden at Karori Cemetery, Wellington.
My great-grandfather, Whitefield Watson was born on 18 April,
1862, in New Cumnock, Ayrshire, Scotland. He was the son of Joseph Watson (b.
England around 1834 - probably Durham), and Elizabeth Walker (b. New Cumnock, Ayrshire, Scotland, around 1837).
According to the 1881 census, Whitefield had one brother & 2 sisters born before 1881, and living at that address.
The 1881 census listing is as follows:-
10 Connel Park, New Cumnock, Ayrshire
Head Coal Miner
47 M
Born England
WATSON Elizabeth M Wife 44
Born New Cumnock
Whitefield U
Son Coal Miner 18 M
Born New Cumnock
WATSON Susanna U Daur 13 F
Born New Cumnock
WATSON John U Son Scholar 10 M
Born New Cumnock
WATSON Catherine U Daur
5 F
New Cumnock
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The IGI shows there were more children born to Joseph
Watson & Elizabeth Walker, so Whitefield was one of 9 children born between 1855 & 1874. The
IGI lists the following children born to Joseph Watson and Elizabeth Walker before 1875, all born in New Cumnock. Catherine Watson appears in the 1881 census as being 5 years old, so she would have been born c1876. That now brings the total up to 10 children born to Joseph & Elizabeth. Some of these children have the same names, so it is likely that the first child of that christian
name did not live for long. If a child died, it was common practice at that
time to name the next born child of the same gender with the same first name. There
were also occasions when the next child, irrespective of gender, was given the deceased child's first name. The following
are the IGI listed children of Joseph Watson & Elizabeth Walker.
1. Mary Ferguson
Watson 12 April 1855
2. Elizabeth
Rane Watson 30 March 1858
3. Elizabeth
24 November 1859 Christened
4. Whitefield
Watson 18
April 1862
5. John Walker
Watson 29 August
6. Susannah
7 February 1868
John Watson
13 November 1870 Birth
Joseph Watson
9 March 1872
9. Joseph Watson
30 September 1874
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Whitefield Watson's siblings known facts
born 7 February 1868
Married (unknown) Gibb
born 13 November 1870
Married Elizabeth Sloan
lived in Helenswood Cottage
Park. Cottage still there in 2003.
born c1876.
Married David McCallum
The following description is of the house that Whitefield Watson
was living in c.1881 at 10 Connel Park with his parents, Joseph & Elizabeth, sisters Susannah & Catherine, and brother
John, all named in the 1881 census above. This description was kindly given to
me by Robert Hart, of Cumnock, Scotland. Robert himself lived in
this very same house during his early childhood, from 1950 until 1952. This is
his recollection of the house.
"The house consisted of two rooms, one a living area and one a
kitchen. The living room had two built-in beds in the wall, there would be curtains
drawn across these through the day when not in use. There was a coal fired
range where all the cooking was done and kettle boiled.
There was a door to the kitchen where you had to step down two
steps to get to the floor level. It was just a plain cement floor with
a drain at the wall. There was only a very small window on the back wall, with
a big white sink in front of it, with one cold water tap only. In the corner
was a large round boiler built into a brick surround, with an opening under it at the front for a fire, so as to heat the
water. There was a big wooden cover fitted over it, so no weans would fall
in and get scalded.
There was always a large tin bath hung on the wall near the back
door. The water was boiled by the wife, who then paled it out into the
bath, which was placed in the middle of the kitchen floor for her man to wash in when he came home from his shift at the pit. When he finished his bath, the water was poured out onto the floor to clean
it, and then brushed down the drain.
I have always mind of, in the spring, you would go through into
the kitchen in the morning, and there would be nothing but frogs jumping all over the floor, for they would have come up through
the drain at night.
The wife would boil more
water and wash the pit clothes in the large sink, using a scrubbing board and bars of soap.
Then they would be dried in front of the fire, in winter, for her husband to wear for his next shift at the pit. That happened six days a week, only a Sunday off, what a life!
There was no inside toilet, you had to go to the communal toilets
at the back of the rows. There was a small garden at the front, facing
onto the main road.
The Clauchan was next door.
This was a large room, where the men would play dominoes, cards, darts and carpet bowls - this was a place where the
day's work would be talked about. I bet there was more coal shovelled there
than was ever done at the pit".
My sincere thanks to Robert Hart for his description of life in
a miner's row cottage. When I visited New Cumnock in 2003, Robert took me to see where the miners row cottages
had once been. Sadly, there are no more of the row cottages left now, just a waste area, with scrub and a few remnants
of maybe what were foundations. Robert showed me the exact spot where No. 10 Connel Park was, in the Long Row, where
this Watson family lived. Just down the row, No. 3, where Whitefield's future wife Jessie McMillan Mason lived,
and No. 5, where their daughter (my Nanny) Elizabeth Walker Boyd Watson) was born in 18xxx
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Douglas Walker Howie Reid - Ayrshire - Dunoon & Argyll
McAughtrie Cowan Lotimer Houston Williamson - Ayrshire
Watson Walker Ferguson Mason Nicholson Boyd McMillan - Ayrshire
Sherriff's officer
Stane Dyker
Pilot (not Concorde)!
Iron Miners
Coal Miners
And loads of hard-working women who bore many children!
New Cumnock, Ochiltree, St Quivox, Maybole, Cumnock, Wigton, Penningham and other parts of
Back to England late 1700's early 1800's
I'll include sources for the information wherever possible.